Tuesday, November 08, 2005

This From An Email

I got an Email from someone of whom I have a great deal of respect.

He asked my opinion, which is really cool, 'cause I usually like to see his side of things.

He asked...

...what do you think of the riots in Paris. Do you
remember when
communism fell in Eastern Europe? You have to wonder
if this is
going to happen in France.It seems inconceivable.
First off, the
Muslims are only about 10 percent of the population.
But, the
authorities in France seem completely unwilling to
do anything
at all about the problems.

I guess what is more likely is that France will either
go fascist,
or they will cede areas of their cities to the Muslims
to govern
under Sharia. The best thing that could happen is that
Chiraq will die(he looks horrible and he did have a
stroke a few weeks back) and
Sarkozy will take over. Sarkozy is a bit of a Bush-type
if I understand correctly.

I responded...

Did you read the comment on Dry Bones
that was in German? It was translated
by Yaakov,

"Probably it could be redone in the not
too distant
future with the same cartoon and replace
only the words French by German and Paris
by Berlin. I can only hope that German
politicians draw from it
the correct conclusions and correct
the fatal wrong foreign policy introduced
in 1998. Again bravo for the work."

(That was in response to this comic from Dry Bones.)

I hope that truly represents the world view.

If history is to repeat itself, France will do
nothing, allow their country to be over-run, and then
the US and England, and maybe Germany will come in and
bail them out.

I don't expect France to do anything. They will, like
you said, cede areas of their cities to the
Muslims to govern under Sharia.

I can't imagine that the French, that are so proud of
their sophistication, would be happy about allowing
their culture to be compromised. So IF Chirac dies or
resigns, I think a conservative like Sarkozy should be
a shoe-in.

And in reality, a little fascism, might go a long way.

I think France is the model for Islam. If they
succeed in digging in, and taking over parts of the
country through rioting, without major resistance,
Germany would be next. So far, I would call it a
success from a Islamist point of view.

The next few days, weeks, months will be very

It might not be a bad idea for the US to offer France
help in squashing the riots.

It will do one of two things.

It will show that the US doesn't hold a grudge against
countries like France that hasn't had our back, and
the US is totally committed to ending Islamofascism.


It will totally piss off all the Islamofascists, and
start a huge war, one I don't think they actually have
the resources to fight. Especially since some of the
PC BS will fall away. Once the entire Middle East
shows their true colors, even the US MSM can't deny
the fact that they are hateful murderers.

We shall see...

Indeed we shall see.


Lately, I've been thinking that the best thing wecan do is
to get the Muslims as pissed off as we possibly can.
That way they will as you say, "show
their true colors."

OK, Let me respond again...

As I said, I don't think the Jihadists actully have
the resources to defeat Western Civilization, but if
we coax them into an attempt before they are ready, we
have a better chance of getting the entire Western
World on the side of defeating them.

If they are allowed to pick apart a few major players,
starting with France, it will be to late to make it an
easy victory.

It won't be too late to defeat them, but it will be
more difficult.

As long as we have our US resources, as well as Great
Britain, France, Germany, and even Russia, we could
get it done much easier, and much quicker.

We just can't keep sitting idle, or we are going to be
fighting a battle from our own countries out, instead
of dealing with it from the outside and then in.


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