Thursday, April 01, 2010

Sign of life in California

Hmmm, things to do before I die. Look out the window, scratch my ass, eat bologna sandwiches every day...that's about it I guess.
"Dating Game" killer Rodney Alcala was sentenced to death in California. Not sure how or why this happened in such a liberal state, but good news. With leadership like Pelosi, Arnold (I'll be fluff your hyper allergenic pillow), and the Ninth Circus, who knows if this freak will ever meet the end he deserves, but for now, good on Cali.

It is great news any time a murderer gets the death penalty, to keep that noble institution alive and well, so to speak. The majority of Americans believe that there is a moral aspect to existence, that right and wrong actually exist (or at the very least, that absent any certain knowledge about God and the Big Questions, we should deem [like gay, another useful and unique word leftards have now probably corrupted out of the lexicon] that right and wrong exist and order our world accordingly, which is what people have always done, up until the Great Dismantling of the West in the last century and a half), and all is not merely a matter of preserving these carbon based conglomerations of atoms known as humans and keeping them as comfortable as possible with affordable housing and government health care until they dissipate and shuffle back into goddess earth, to emerge later as ferns or mildew. There are many who, upon learning that they had a horrible disease and would die within 6 months, would prefer to blow their savings and go out partying in Ibiza, rather than have no savings to blow because the government taxed it all away to pay for state run health care. The Bucket List is a conservative movie. It's centered on the conservative notions of individuality, ownership of one's life, and transcendent value (though, like many films, there is a tension, the result of lefty filmmakers being bound by the necessity to appeal to the audience, most of whom do not share the filmmakers' values -- compare the previews for Kingdom of Heaven with the product itself. The tension or confusion in Bucket List is visible where Jack Nicholson's character describes his business model for his hospitals: in the universe of the filmmakers, private enterprise = inferior, no frills warehouse style treatment [to be fair, maybe this was just necessary for the plot]).
When leftards wail about someone like Alcala getting the death penalty, it's not that they feel any particular sympathy for him, it's that they want your terminally ill mother to die comfortably and gradually in a state-run hospice instead of skydiving. Kudos, California, it's 11:45 p.m., but the warden's car broke down this morning on the way to work, so you have at least another day.

Here is Alcala in the good old days.
P.S., to any "liberal" who objects "hey, I totally sympathize with the idea that people own their bodies, I loved Bucket List, I support the death penalty..." etc., the answer is, as is so often the case, that you are confused and have not properly considered what you believe about the relationship of the individual to the state and the nature of right and wrong, either because you're simply too dim to undergo that thought process, or because you're a pussy and are afraid people will make fun of you if it turns out you're a conservative.


Blogger Pastorius said...

I would tend to agree with you, but Lefties are so intellectually confused, they won't get what you're saying.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Ronald Webster said...

It seems like a lot of lefties will say that they oppose the death penalty, except that they support it for the worst sex offenses like rape and child molestation.

A lot of lefties will point to conservatives' opposition to abortion as evidence of hypocrisy. This has always boggled my mind so much that I'm not even sure how to respond to it, I just sort of shake my head. But, if you excise the moral concepts of right and wrong from our universe, I guess killing an unborn infant is no better or worse than killing Ted Bundy. Without morality, it all becomes a matter of efficient management.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Ronald Webster said...

I also love the argument that the death penalty should not be imposed because it's too expensive. What? Give me a ball-peen hammer and buy me lunch at Del Taco, how much does that cost, I'll take care of Alcala for you in 15 minutes. Also, no, the death penalty is cruel and unusual. Cruel maybe. Unusual is a no-brainer, just impose it more often and it won't be so unusual. As far as cruel, how non-cruel are we supposed to be when imposing punishment? Just asking.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Pastorius said...

So, you're saying you support the Death Penalty administered by Ballpeen Hammer?


9:39 PM  

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