Saturday, December 18, 2004

A little racial profiling never hurt anyone...

This is an interesting article, In U.S., 44% Say Restrict Muslims.

To be fair, the article also says that 48% don't want Muslim's liberties to be restricted in any way.

Why I mention interesting, is this...

The survey showed that 27 percent of respondents supported requiring all Muslims Americans to register where they lived with the federal government. Twenty-two percent favored racial profiling to identify potential terrorist threats. And 29 percent thought undercover agents should infiltrate Muslim civic and volunteer organizations to keep tabs on their activities and fund-raising.

Only 22% said racial profiling is acceptable, but 29% want undercover agents to infiltrate and spy on them, 27% want them to register where the live with the government. That seems strange. Less people think a 25 year old Muslim male boarding an airplane should be questioned, than think spies should should infiltrate a Muslim Church, or make a family register their address with the government.

How can that be? Political correctness, the new evil.

Racial profiling has been covered in the media on a fairly regular basis, so of course less people want to say it is acceptable, even when they are willing to infringe on Muslim's civil liberties in much worse ways.

Here's how it is, compliments of the Fu2rman!

A little racial profiling is not the worst thing in the world. As I mentioned above, if I'm about to get on a plane, and there is an old great-grandmother age black woman, and a 25 year old Muslim man, don't waste your time searching grandma, and don't skip the Muslim man to be politically correct. Do your job and keep me safe. This will cause a few people to be inconvenienced, but think about this...7% more people felt ok with every Muslim being required to register their address with the government. That is totally out of control, even by my standards. Worse yet would be spying on every Muslim organization.


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